Had a wonderful time flying with Tad and Jer today. Tad had the Goblin 500 and 700. Jer had his Warp 360, Blade 130X, and Colibri. I flew my Goblin 500 and Bravata. Really been dying to fly the Bravata again after a very long hibernation, so it was the first time in 2014. I got in 5 great flights with not a single issue. Even after the many months, the DLE-30 started up easily, and ran like a top. No deadsticks, not even on the runway after landing. I found out the Bravata can hover with this engine, with a steady vertical hover easily maintained, easier than with any other plane I own! I landed all 5 times with full flaps, what a joy. The plane gets so slow and hits the runway after clearing the sprinklers like target practice. I gotta work on greasing the landing in though, as most times I had a bounce on first touch down.
Special visitor...KIMI! |
She made good use of available shade! |
My preferred parking for the XB when I have the Bravata. |
Beautivul Bravata flies as good as it looks! |
Bravata has good company. |
GeeBee R3 and Super Sportster beyond the Bravata. |
The Goblin had 3 packs of joy today, no issues. Have to feel concerned for Tad's Goblins. Both had brown out or cut off issues, with the Goblin 500 having a rough landing in the north field, ruining the tail boom and landing skids. Prior to that Tad made a great autorotation save when the G700 lost power to the main blades but kept all control functions. He was about a foot off the mat when the power came on again, but he landed to check things out. He still had good flights before that with both helis, showing solid inverted control.
Gaggle of Goblins...Tad's 500, 700, and my 500 (right) |
Jer helping Harvey with new Fox powered glider. |
Tad launching the Fox for Harvey and Jer...so graceful, lol. |
Getting the 500 ready, my Pulse edition on left. |
Jer flew the Warp like crazy, beyond my comprehension. That thing moves quick and does not seem squirrely like other 450 machines. Nice backwards flight too!
Great day! Very fun flying. Nice pictures and documentation. :)