This is going to be a whole lot of pics of my repaired Extra 330L. If I had planned properly, I would have taken pics of the carnage before doing the repair work. As it is you only get an idea of the damage by seeing the extent of the repairs. I'm ready to fly this plane again. One thing dumb incidents do is teach me to be more careful for awhile, till I do something else dumb again! I had a similar incident before with the CG Ultimate - caught the main LG on the top inch or two of the east end of the runway. That time my LG stayed on and the plane just turned over on its top. I can't recall any damage other than bending the wire LG, so I bent it back and it was fine. Since the damage was much greater on the Extra, maybe I will learn the lesson better and longer, lol.
Two longerons on the left side were removed by the LG,
so I spliced in new pieces with doublers. |
Doublers were set just below the finished surface so
that they would not show after being covered by Monokote. |
Two thin layers of landing plates were ripped out
in the incident, they should be in the center of the pic! |
I used the Dremel to grind away the male keys on
the side plates for interlocking to the main LG plates. |
Here's a new LG plate of 1/4" hard ply, with male keys
for the firewall. New blind nuts and bolts installed . |
Plate in place with lots of 30 minute epoxy.
New formers on top of plate, behind firewall. |
Added triangular stock behind firewall. |
Added extra ply plate on side of new LG plate to
brace it to side plates better. |
Added triangular stock on left side. One was already on
right side. Go figure...the highly paid China worker forgot one. |
Monokote is back on! |
Ahhh, feeling better with LG secured. |
Large FG bandaid to repair damage caused by
muffler pipe when the plane slid to a stop on its belly. |
Many FG patches on pants! |
All PAU, stronger than before but not as pretty. |
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