Yes life continues to be good, thank you Jesus! Few aches and pains are nothing to complain too much about, they are meant to help me keep in touch with God.
Today I flew yet again. This time the RV-8 had the privilege of gracing the skies, and risking its life, lol. It started up well and flew better than I recall it ever did. Why is that! Dunno. Just appreciating it more maybe. I did add a click of down trim to keep her from climbing much at all at WOT straight and level. The Saito FA-82a started with just a finger back flip, not needing the starter at all. It was actually too easy on the second flight. I was just moving the prop to the position I like for commencing the back flip. The prop just fell in the direction for the back flip, and started up immediately. One of the guys saw me yank my hand away, startled. I have a healthy respect, a fear, for these props and engines. All was good, the engine ran well, the plane flew on rails for the two flights I made with her. Oh landings were nice with flaps nearly fully deployed. They are sure effective for slowing the plane on final as I power her to the strip, and then to gently level for touchdown. Score!!!
Bill and his Ugly Stick. Three of them in this pic! |
and a big 35cc Ugly Stick in this one! |
Must've been Ugly Stick day! Ken and Bill had their glow 40 size sticks out, Pat had his smaller electric version, and Mike had his 35cc big boy out. Don flew his venerable Pulse with Saito 115 in it...dang I love the combo he made. The 115 is super powerful and mated perfectly to that airframe.
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