3 flights on the Tensor, 3 packs on the Goblin 500, and 3 packs on the X5, thus 3 cubed. Nice weather, sunny, and good company on Sundays...Tad, Quang, and Anthony flew too. Good fun. Quang brought all his SAB Goblins: 500, 700, and 800. Lots of good flying by all. Highlight was when Quang brought out his 500 after flying the others. He was doing some low flying over the tall grass of the North field, and ended up inverted and crashing in the grass. He hit the kill fast enough, and actually the chopper almost came back up out of the grass. Basically he leveled his "wings", and crashed as good as it gets....NO DAMAGE. Just had grass twined around the tail shaft. He removed that, checked the heli, and flew again with no issues at all. Incredible.
Tad flew well, getting more and more confidence with lower inverted flight, higher speed passes, some backwards flight. Anthony was getting more comfy with his new 570. I have lots to do to catch up to these guys. Trouble is as I improve, so do they, so there will be no catching them, lol.
My 500 with Anthony's 570 |
Ditto |
Tad and his 500 |
Quang's 500, 700, and 800 |
800, 700, and 500 L to R |
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