HOHOHO, for the last month I have been reviving my love for my old Lionel HO trains by adding to the collection via eBay. I then decided to put a small oval track with sidings on the pool table just to test the new locos and train cars. Once that was up, oh well I decided to put a few of my old buildings and people out, and soon they were ALL out on the table. As I got my fill of rolling stock, I felt I was spending enough and should slow down, but just get a few cool buildings. So I did. As I received the new buildings, there was space enough on the table at first, but as vacant lots disappeared, I soon began removing my old buildings, many of which were rather crude ones I built from scratch or plastic kits in my childhood years of maybe 10-13. My thirst for nicely built, detailed, and weathered building did not wane, and I then I needed trees since I had none at all. At the same time, I needed more town folk to roam "Youngtown"!
I think I am pretty satiated now, but still on the lookout for unusual buildings at reasonable prices. Of course this all does not end because I need better trucks to wend the narrow streets and to add to the realism! I could have had a new large RC helicopter by now, but this HO train hobby has a special place in my heart since I was a child, and it keeps me out of trouble and in the house on those long dreary days in Oregon's Winter and Spring.
I need to add pics but the early ones are buried in e-mails, and more recent ones are on my iPad, so I need to hunt them down to show the evolution described above. Tally HO!
It started this simple!
Soon it became this. |
It burgeoned into a town with lots of trees and people... |
...with more cool and realistic buildings!
Awesome set up! Me likey!