Aloha and Welcome to my small speck of cyberspace! Dec 8, 2010 is the birth date of my blog. Never had one before, but my son encouraged me to have one, and it seemed like a good way to at least keep a log of my RC airplane building and flying. With the initial design kicked off by my son, I'll carry on from here and have fun with it. Now that I have it, I will use it to also keep track of my oil painting efforts, and any other ideas, hobbies, travels, or whatever else that come up. LIFE IS GOOD!

Update on 02/25/2011. It's been a few months since I began this blog, and I am enjoying creating and having it! I like documenting the things I have done in my hobbies, and sharing with my small family. I think Jer and Tad actually view it fairly regularly, as a means to see what I've been up to lately. At worst, it serves as a reference for my own use.

Update on 12/22/2011. This blog stuff is habit forming. My blog is a year old now, and I make an entry about every other day or so as that seems to be the frequency of doing something in one of my hobbies. Like my hobbies, this blog is a lot of fun, and it has become in itself another hobby that I enjoy.

Years are flying by...update on 01/11/2013. Still enjoying maintaining this blog even though hardly anyone sees it. I don't advertise it anywhere or to anyone, and it is mainly just a way for me to keep my own notes and thoughts on my flying, painting, and cars. If a stranger happens upon it, I think it is by pressing NEXT at the top of the current blog they are visiting, lol. It's a great device for me.

August 2014: still here! Took up flying RC helicopters one year ago and got hooked. Had flown micro Helis up to then, but got serious with 450 size for a couple months, then bought the Goblin 500 and Gaui X5 . Also got my Boxster in April 2013. Most importantly, Ariel was born 12/02/12 followed by Skylar 07/20/13, and they are little beacons of joy in our lives. Life is indeed good!!!

Sunday, April 28, 2013


I almost did not go flying when I observed fairly windy conditions at home.  Decided to go anyhow but instead of taking the Sbach that was charged, I took the SNAFU.  I put it on a fast charge, but the xmitter was full from a couple days earlier.  The SNAFU loves playing in the wind.  Turned out not that windy when I got there, but the SNAFU was fun anyhow.  Mike had his new UCanDo, and we floated around together up high and on down low slow passes.  Landings and takeoffs were to the South on the N/S runway.  I got in 5 flights.  Lots of fun with Joe and Rudy there too.  I honestly was surprised anyone else was there.  I went with the desire to put up a new vinyl address label on the frequency control box after botching up the hand painting yesterday when I used a foam brush.  It did not flow as needed for good free style lettering.  I also put up a new laminated club member list in the box.

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