Aloha and Welcome to my small speck of cyberspace! Dec 8, 2010 is the birth date of my blog. Never had one before, but my son encouraged me to have one, and it seemed like a good way to at least keep a log of my RC airplane building and flying. With the initial design kicked off by my son, I'll carry on from here and have fun with it. Now that I have it, I will use it to also keep track of my oil painting efforts, and any other ideas, hobbies, travels, or whatever else that come up. LIFE IS GOOD!

Update on 02/25/2011. It's been a few months since I began this blog, and I am enjoying creating and having it! I like documenting the things I have done in my hobbies, and sharing with my small family. I think Jer and Tad actually view it fairly regularly, as a means to see what I've been up to lately. At worst, it serves as a reference for my own use.

Update on 12/22/2011. This blog stuff is habit forming. My blog is a year old now, and I make an entry about every other day or so as that seems to be the frequency of doing something in one of my hobbies. Like my hobbies, this blog is a lot of fun, and it has become in itself another hobby that I enjoy.

Years are flying by...update on 01/11/2013. Still enjoying maintaining this blog even though hardly anyone sees it. I don't advertise it anywhere or to anyone, and it is mainly just a way for me to keep my own notes and thoughts on my flying, painting, and cars. If a stranger happens upon it, I think it is by pressing NEXT at the top of the current blog they are visiting, lol. It's a great device for me.

August 2014: still here! Took up flying RC helicopters one year ago and got hooked. Had flown micro Helis up to then, but got serious with 450 size for a couple months, then bought the Goblin 500 and Gaui X5 . Also got my Boxster in April 2013. Most importantly, Ariel was born 12/02/12 followed by Skylar 07/20/13, and they are little beacons of joy in our lives. Life is indeed good!!!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Flight Log

On Saturday, I flew my Apache, CG Ultimate, and Shoestring. All went well. First off the Apache had two long flights. The first one was about 10 minutes, the other perhaps as long, but the amazing thing on that one was that I apparently launched it right into a boomer thermal. I swear that in a minute, the Apache was as high as I can comfortably see the plane...way way way up!

I was anxious to try the Shoe because I added another ounce of lead under the stab to move the CG back about 1cm. This was done to slow the plane on landing, and it worked. I landed it easily today on both flights with NO flaperons which I normally use for this plane. The CG is on or nearly on the rearmost CG location recommended in the manual. Interestingly the plane did not need any elev trim change in the air!

The CG Ultimate flew great, like it always does. 3 flights on that one. Will fly the AW Ultimate tomorrow!

An Extra Ultimate Day!

Tad flew his Extra and I flew my Ultimate today, both by AeroWorks. I got in 4 flights, as I arrived and was flying before Tad arrived. He got in 3, including a deadstick landing on the last one where he managed to miss the large sprinkler and just clip the small one with his tail wheel. That pushed the rear gear up into the bottom of the rudder for extremely minor damage, whew! I had all good landings yet the darn wheel pants are still starting to crack. Flights were good. I took out 1% of the up elev that activates with rudder deflection. Added in 1% more aileron when rudder is applied. That seemed to keep the KE better. Still not set on the elev mix to the rudder because the plane seemed today to pull to the LG in KE, yet on the last quarter of the 4 pt roll, it seemed to want to pull to the canopy. Also decided to up the expo on the middle and high rates so that they are not so touchy. At first I took off on LR, but did all taxiing on HR to keep the tail down. This meant switching to MR or HR in flight to do harrier rolls. On the last flight I took off on MR with higher expo, and that allowed doing the harrier attempts without changing rates. All my glow planes are on one rate with 70% expo, so maybe this 50cc plane should be too. Definitely am having fun with this great looking machine!!! :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Holy Moly, the AW ULTIMATE 20-300 just gets better and better. I had 4 flights with it today (which makes a grand total of 6), and Tad had 3 with his AW Extra 300. Wind was very light and mostly non-existent, and it was warmer than yesterday. Also a little cloudier though. My DLE-55 started like normal, which is easily, as did Tad's. We both got basically all greased on landings. I moved my two LiFe batts forward, and it might have made a smidge difference in that the plane does not climb while inverted with no stick input. The plane still tucks to the LG on KE, so I clicked on the mixing to add up elevator on either KE, as well as more aileron to hold the KE. After trying that for a flight, I increased the up a couple percent and the aileron one percent. The plane is holding KE better, as well as making flat circles without diving. I think it might need one more percent of up elevator mixed in. I'm tickled to death about how well the plane flies. I got to hover a little, and also do some harrier rolls, which I think Jeremy caught on video! Low rates are too little for either, so I go to mid or high rates for those maneuvers. The plane easily does pattern style flying with grace and power. So far I like this plane MUCH better than the 50cc Extra 330L.

Wings Over Keizer!

Our event on Saturday was truly remarkable beyond my personal expectations. The crowd to see us fly all day was actually a CROWD. ALL the bleacher and bench seats were taken, people set up their own chairs behind the fence or on the grass area east of the pits, and also stood behind our spectator fence. The parking lot was full of THEIR cars because all KRCA members parked around the farmhouse! At one early point I counted about 50 people of all ages in our audience. I estimated about 15-20 in line for the food later. Other members came up with their crowd estimates. I would say we had over 100 total for the day, but could be conservative...I just try not to stretch the truth, lol.

Everything worked out well, and we had members helping that we rarely see help, so it was remarkable in that aspect as well! This was really an event that KRCA members could be proud of. I was actually in awe a number of times when I viewed the audience and saw the number of people, the variation in ages, many ladies, and a ton of smiles. WOW, WOW, WOW!!! We have to give Ron credit on this one.

The flying went well, better than I expected, haha. Flying in 4 levels worked out decently, as we tried to maintain separation and it apparently kept us apart because we had NO midairs. The deck session went shorter than planned , from just after 10 till about 11:15 when JB workers showed up to move the sprinklers. At that point we shut down flying and moved the planes to the runway for the static show. All the audience loved milling around the planes and asking questions, or posing some when prodded a little. We members circulated and talked to many happy people and very nice people, oldsters and kids, men and women, it was very fun. It worked well to have longer for this portion of the program.

At noon we put on our demo flights: Brandon and Ken showed our wide age membership, Joe and Jer flew the micro electrics, I flew my Intruder, Jer flew his Extra, Joe and Quang flew electric jets, Mike flew his Pawnee, Quang flew his nitro chopper, and Stu and friends had a tank battle. What great fun. The audience seemed to take it all in and enjoyed it. I sure did!

About TWENTY people signed up for Try and Fly slots starting at 1PM! It lasted to about 4PM. Some did not show up which was just as well because we had to stop flying a short time while JB guys did their thing again in the field. One of Bob's trainers folded a wing during one flight, due to a deficient wing joint (apparently cut/sawn through the main spar, reglued poorly, and not reinforced. Another problem arose later when the throttle servo on Mike's Avistar died completely. At this point there were just a couple more test flights and I think Bob handled them. I was pooped at 3:30 and departed.

It was a GRAND DAY! Job well done by all KRCA members who helped, as well as a couple wives...Ron and Doug Brown's wives! Members who participated: Rudy, Charlie, Doug Brown, Doug Steele, Ron, Bob B, Bob R, Mike, Ashton, Joe, Jer, Ken, Bruce, Brandon, Al, Quang, Dean, and me. Quang brought a friend along, named Dan, who also flew.

For my flight log, I flew the Intruder once, SNAFU once, and Toledo Special twice.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Intruder Practice

Took two flights with the Intruder 90R on Friday in prep for demo flight during Wings Over Keizer event on Saturday. Plane flew great and was ready for the big show.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Flight Log: 07/19/2011

Yesterday I took the Intruder out for some practice. In the middle of my second flight the JB guys showed up and walked on the field to move the sprinklers. I landed and wrapped it up as raindrops began to fall anyhow. Went today to mow and fly. The mower battery is dead, so I flew 3 flights with the Intruder. At least my timing will be somewhat decent, but the maneuvers felt rushed and imperfect today. Nevertheless I did not crash or do anything bad, so the plane is ready for Wings Over Keizer demo flight this Saturday. I practiced lots of slow rolls, 4pt rolls, 2pt rolls, loops, avalanche, cuban and reversed cuban eights, inverted cuban and reversed eights, stall turns and rolling circles. With 8 minutes, there is lots of time to do many of them and make low passes too. Should be fun if I don't mess up! Adrenalin can make bad things happen!

Monday, July 11, 2011


After mowing the field, I flew my Apache a number of times. Can't figure air time from number of flights too easily since most flights are just a launch and glide back to earth without finding lift. Maybe all I can do is keep track of number of launches? Hard to do with my brain. All I know is I spent about 45 minutes with the Apache, with no rests between landings and launches except to walk to the new launch point. It was very overcast and I could not find any thermals, but the air somehow felt light. There was a breeze up to about 5mph. Made a few hand catches. Trimmed the plane to be real floaty, but that means it was easily thrown into a stall by the wind. A good DLG day.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Flight Log: 07/10/2011

Holy Toledo Special, there's an Intruder in da house. Took the TS and Intruder (and Apache) to the field today on another calm and sunny day. Awesome fun again. Had abouit 3 flights on each, and maybe a five minute thermal again on the Apache at the end of my time at the field. The Intruder is on rails everytime and I practiced a bunch of slow and 4pt rolls, and a few rolling circles. I will perform these during the Wings Over Keizer show in two weeks. Should wow the crowd, hopefully. Toledo Special died on the first two partial flights, then I got her tuned better and had no deadsticks after that. Tad had 3 nice flights and all good landings with his Extra 300, and starting was a piece of cake each time. Also, I took up Brandon's Funtana at their request to make sure it is airworthy again, and to trim it out. On the first flight, the engine started to lose power after a couple minutes in the air. I brought her down and looked her over. Mike checked the glow plug and found the top coils all distorted. Threw that away and put in a new OS Type F, and it ran like a champ the rest of the day with Brandon flying it.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Flight Log: 07/09/2011

Great weather made for great flying today! Took the Yak-54 and Shoestring out to stretch their wings. Had 4 flights on the Yak and 3 on the Shoe. All were great with no misfortunes. Almost had a mid air with Jeremy and his Extra 300. I had right of way on a low pass over the runway because I was first over the runway and I have the slower plane. I was going to flip to inverted at show center, and made it to KE when Jer almost ran through me. You can take the same line as someone else before you only if they are in front AND FASTER. You cannot take the same line when you are much faster and you are behind. YIKES! Luckily I did not get hit, but it was total shock and my brain fortunately recovered the plane in KE. Had a first landing with the Shoestring that was much too bouncy, but made adjustments and had great landings on the following two flights.

We had two maiden flights today. Bob Ross maidened a new Ultrastick 40 but had a deadstick then floated the plane into a pit table and totaled the left wing and broke the fuse at the LE of the stab. OUCH. Good thing nobody was pitted at that table! Quang maidened his electric Sundowner 36. It has small wheels and had a hard time taking off the runway, but once up, Zoom Zoom Zoom! That is one slippery little devil that seemed as fast as his prop jets! It came in hot but he made it safely and nicely down on the runway.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Me and My Red Corvette!

Took Sandy to Spirit Mountain yesterday! We got up early and were out of the house on a simply gorgeous morning by 7:30AM. It was just a perfect drive over and back with the Corvette running smoothly and powerfully. Drove a little slower than usual, just over 60mph for an ultra relaxing cruise, and just talking to Sandy. The car is an excellent road trip vehicle, I think, due to the smooth ride and the comfortable interior. My preferred end spot at SM was taken, so I chose another end space and hugged the side. When we came back to leave, an SUV had parked in the space next to us, but was nicely centered and did not crowd the Corvette. :) I washed the Corvette this morning so it is perfecto again.

Monday, July 4, 2011

An Ultimate 4th of July!!

I maidened the AW Ultimate today, the 4th of July, 2011! It was not a real favorable start when I discovered upon unloading at the field that I apparently forgot my wing bolts to hold on the bottom wing! (Later found them.) After drumming some replacements up from Bob Ross, I then proceeded to assemble the plane. I initially attached one cabane to the top and bottom wings with the four bolts backwards. Discovered the issue on the second cabane, so went back and corrected all of them. This was the first time to assemble the plane at the field, and it took almost an hour, bah humbug! It WILL get faster, lol.

Then Tad brought up mixing the oil with the gas, and asked if I remembered that one bottle of oil goes with TWO gallons of gas. OOOOOOPS, I mixed it with just ONE gallon of gas. Another bah humbug, so Tad let me fill up for my flights from his can. I will have to remix mine with another gallon of gas to get the proper ratio.

Other than those little snafus, the maiden day was flawless. The DLE-55 started up perfectly both time, and ran flawlessly. It idled low, transitioned smoothly without burbles, and hit high ends powerfully. The flight was easy, and the landing was perfect on the first try. This plane lands slowly and with the nose high as long as some throttle is maintained. Seemed very slow to me and there was no indication of a desire to stall. I tested stall speed up high at first, and the stall is just a gentle mushing. The plane must be tail heavy because it really wanted to tuck to the LG in both level flight and KE whenever rudder was applied, and because NO down elevator was required to hold inverted level flight. This would also explain the lack of nosing over on the grass field. I am going to see if I can move the batteries forward at all. The plane also wants to roll out of KE, so I will need to check on that situation after I get the CG where I like it. I think I will eventually need to program some aileron to counteract the situation.

2nd flight was as fun and enjoyable as the first, with another takeoff and landing that were very sweet. It was a fantastic maiden and 2nd flight, made more memorable with both Tad and Jeremy there to witness it. I do think I like this 50cc plane more than my Extra 330L.

Update: Today I programmed in 10% up elevator whenever rudder is input, and 5% more aileron in the direction of roll, when rudder is input. Hopefully these mixes go a long way towards correcting the tuck in to the LG and the roll out whenever rudder is input for KE. I will probably leave the mix off for the first flight with the CG moved forward a smidge. If the CG solution does not do enough, I will turn on the mix to see what happens.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Flight Log: 07/03/2011

Flew my Giles 3x and Intruder 2x today, plus let Jer take the Intruder up for a try. Too bad the screw came out and released the belly pan way out in the sod farm, and ended flying that plane today. Jer retrieved the pan, and I found a screw, lock washer and flat washer at home to secure it better. It flew well, as did the Giles. The muffler on the Giles keeps getting loose, so I had to take the cowl off and tighten the three bolts holding it on after 2 flights. I checked after the 3rd flight, and one bolt was already getting loose. Gonna use red thread lock on them today to end this silliness. I tried the ratchet roll today and it is hard! Not as easy as it sounds, but it will be awesome once I get it down pat. Besides Jer, only Mike came. Actually Harvey tried his electric plane but could not get it off the ground due to the small wheels and the cross wind.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

4 More Yak Flights

Today was a really fine day for flying! Probably 70F by the time I got to the field early at 8:30AM, little or no wind and it was down the runway from the west when it did blow. Sun shone the whole time. Needed dark glasses and sunblock, which I had both. Got in 4 flights with the Yak-54, probably the best four flights ever on that plane! The bearings are fine, and the 16x8 MAS prop seems to make the Yak very happy, with good speed, and the best vertical climb it has ever had. It runs out of speed but can still be steered vertically with the rudder and elevator. Best maneuver today...all were good, but I made good progress on the rolling circle. I did not have to bail out when flying towards myself. Now I will work on making just 4 rolls in 360 degrees. Stall turns were very nice, slow rolls awesome. I am working my way lower and lower on the latter, but not as low as Jer! All landings were sweetness.

Oh, the Statesman Journal sent out a reporter today, by arrangement with Ron. She took a lot of pics and maybe I will get in the paper, but she had lots to shoot because Mike had his bipe and crop duster there, Ron had his now smoking Hog bipe, Bob B had his UCanDO, and Brandon had his youth to show off, haha. She took names of pilots and planes, and I think she interviewed Ron. She did not talk to me. We should garner some nice coverage to advertise our Wings Over Keizer event coming up three weeks from today.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Just One Yak Flight

It was windyish at home, but I wanted to get some fresh air anyhow, so I went to the field with my Yak-54. I really wanted to at least run it. Been flying it two years with a 17x6 APC and it just runs so slow, but the performance was decent. After replacing the bearings, I decided to try different props to get the OS 120 Surpass III to wind up more, run faster. Tried the 15x8 MAS and the plane hardly moved to me. I think too much of the prop blast was erased by the large cowl of the plane. Next tried the 16x6 MAS and it seemed to be beating the air up good without going anywhere. Today I tried the 16x8 MAS, and I think I found the winner. The plane flies faster and climbs just as much if not better than the low pitches tried before. I took just one flight since it was windy and there was a JB mower on the far south end of the field. I accomplished the prop decision, and that was my main goal. I'm anxious to try it on a calmer day!