After the photos for documentation that the plane existed at one time, I proceeded to range check the radio, then fly the Intruder. I am duly impressed and totally captivated by the flying characteristics of this plane. Holy Moly! It was so much fun that I ended up flying it for 7 flights today, typically 6-8 minutes per flight. It's a pure JOY to fly. On the maiden, she needed just a click of left aileron and about 4 of down elevator. After I landed, the ailerons and elevator were at most 1-2mm off the prior neutral positions. Later I added a click of right rudder for straighter vertical climbs. The plane went slightly to the
canopy in KE, so I programmed in just 1% down elevator when either edge Is held. Inverted requires just slight down elev pressure, hardly any deflection of the stick. The
OS 91 Surpass II with 13x9APC prop was perfect for speed and vertical climb. It doesn't seem to care that it is inverted. Landings were a bit fast but I shall get it slowed down with more flights on the plane. This is going to be one of my favorite planes. I just love stretching slow rolls out with the Intruder! Will take her out again tomorrow for more JOY!
I also flew the SNAFU today for about as many flights as the Intruder! I am totally exhausted from the great day of flying. Joe maidened his CMP Swallow today too, and it flies good. To get more speed he is going to try my 13x10APC pattern prop next time. This will also give him 1/2" more ground clearance which he needs due to the soft retract gear that he installed on the plane. It is a great looking bird:
Dean flew his new Yak-55M that he maidened on Thursday. What a gorgeous plane that flies really well with the DLE-30 he has in it:
We were the ONLY ones at the field today!
Sweet plane! Flies so smooth. Like it's on rails!