Aloha and Welcome to my small speck of cyberspace! Dec 8, 2010 is the birth date of my blog. Never had one before, but my son encouraged me to have one, and it seemed like a good way to at least keep a log of my RC airplane building and flying. With the initial design kicked off by my son, I'll carry on from here and have fun with it. Now that I have it, I will use it to also keep track of my oil painting efforts, and any other ideas, hobbies, travels, or whatever else that come up. LIFE IS GOOD!

Update on 02/25/2011. It's been a few months since I began this blog, and I am enjoying creating and having it! I like documenting the things I have done in my hobbies, and sharing with my small family. I think Jer and Tad actually view it fairly regularly, as a means to see what I've been up to lately. At worst, it serves as a reference for my own use.

Update on 12/22/2011. This blog stuff is habit forming. My blog is a year old now, and I make an entry about every other day or so as that seems to be the frequency of doing something in one of my hobbies. Like my hobbies, this blog is a lot of fun, and it has become in itself another hobby that I enjoy.

Years are flying by...update on 01/11/2013. Still enjoying maintaining this blog even though hardly anyone sees it. I don't advertise it anywhere or to anyone, and it is mainly just a way for me to keep my own notes and thoughts on my flying, painting, and cars. If a stranger happens upon it, I think it is by pressing NEXT at the top of the current blog they are visiting, lol. It's a great device for me.

August 2014: still here! Took up flying RC helicopters one year ago and got hooked. Had flown micro Helis up to then, but got serious with 450 size for a couple months, then bought the Goblin 500 and Gaui X5 . Also got my Boxster in April 2013. Most importantly, Ariel was born 12/02/12 followed by Skylar 07/20/13, and they are little beacons of joy in our lives. Life is indeed good!!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Still too lazy to post flight logs, lol!

Its been a month and a half since doing by flight log blog, terrible!  I have been flying albeit not as frequently due to wind, rain, cold. 

Today I flew my SNAFU.  Mainly I wanted to get it out to tune the engine better since I know it was not running well last time.  Before heading out, I fattened up the low speed idle screw on the OS52FS in the plane.  That helped but the engine faltered a little on the first flight, and also died after landing runout.  I fiddled with it out more, back in , and then finally found a sweet spot which I am sure is richer than what I started with.  Also had to richen the high speed needle.  The engine seems to be singing nicely now....stronger with more smoke trail.  Got in four flights today with many touch and gos to practice landings.  We'll see if it still runs as well next time out.  BTW it was light fog with a low ceiling at first, then burning off enough for regular flying.

Two days ago, I flew my Osiris in slightly less fog.  Got in four flights.  Nobody else there on both days....too cold or dreary looking for them.  It was above 40F both times, with very light winds.

Since last posting in mid October, I got the wheel pants installed on the Val with new mounting hardware that Alex designed and printed for me with his 3D machine.  They look awesome!

I have been flying the Giles 202 several times since putting the new OS160FX engine into it.  Runs well, still breaking in each flight with a slightly leaner setting each time.  It's good not to be running so rich that the power is questionable.  Now there is power to avoid trouble.

The RV-4 has been back up as well.  I installed the wheel pants and have not destroyed them yet, as almost any grass landings just wear FG wheel pants out.  The plane is a joy to fly, and so impressive in the air.  My fave view of the plane is a steady landing approach with flaps pretty.

I have actually made a little progress on the Stinson Reliant!  The elevator is perfectly (so I say) squared up to the fuselage and wing, and now firmly glued in place.  I have also epoxied all hinges for the flight surfaces.  Note I replaced the stock CA hinges for the elevators with hardy Robart point hinges.  Phoenix used big point hinges everywhere else on the plane and it baffles me that they didnt do so on the elevators too.  it was tedious work to clear the hinge locations, test the hinges as located, put vaseline on the hinge lines to prevent epoxy intrusion, then epoxy one side, let dry, then epoxy the other side of each pair of mated surfaces.  I am going to move on to servo installation for the ailerons and flaps next.

Last news.  I ordered the Old School Model Works Robinhood 80 laser cut kit!  $200 plus $5 SH.  Crazy me....heres hoping I actually build it someday!

Last last news.  Tad has long promised me the DLE-35 he never used.  So I decided I want the Hangar 9 Ultrastick 30cc for that engine.  The boys are giving it to me for Christmas!


(I came up with this to work around incompatibility of CHROME
browser and file saving abilities of the SB Calculator, 12/03/2019)
(And I am posting it here to have another readily accessible set of
instructions for when I cannot find the others, lol!)

1. Open the main bond file(SBW extension, BAK type of file)
by double clicking it.  This would be the file reflecting the last redemptions,

2. Select and delete bonds that will be redeemed (typically
Wells Fargo main Salem downtown or Keizer branches).  Save new SBW
file with same name as in #3.

3. Export remaining file from Savings Bond Wizard to new file name
reflecting new last redemption date such as
EDUBOND2AFTERREDEEMINGNOV2019.  (It will save as a CHROME file.)

4. Open the CHROME file to see bond values in the SB Calculator for
all remaining bonds.

5. In SBW file, cut redeemed bonds, paste in new file, name like
RDMNOV2019.SBW.  Print the list which I save in the annual tax return envelope
for each calendar/tax year.

6. Note that the SBW and CHROME files saved in #2 and #3 are for
values as of 6/2015.  When you double click on GO TO SAVINGS BOND CAL-
CULATOR, the calculator opens to the CURRENT redemption date.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Just so dang lazy!

So it has been 2.5 months since last posting any flying updates.  Time flies when you are having fun and being lazy too.  I have been flying but am just not into this blog anymore.  I will summarize by saying I flew several times each week since the end of July.  Only in the last couple weeks has flying been less frequent than that because the rains and winds are starting to seep into the Fall weather pattern here.  It is after all what keeps Oregon green and mossy.  I can say I likely flew every plane in the fleet...Bravata, RV-4, Toledo Special, Giles 202, P-47, Val, Stinger II, RV-8, Sbach 342, Intruder, Dirty Birdy, Kaos, Aerostar 76, Aerostar 40F, Starstream, Yak 54, Shoestring 60, and lil Dragonfly.

The ones I have flown most are the big RV-4, Dirty Birdy, and Toledo Special.  I also fly the Dragonfly very often because it is the plane that takes so little space and can be packed into the truck even with the Bravata and fits in jump seat area of the cab.  That plane allows me to have something to fly when the others fail to start or they crash.  No fuss, no muss.

Regarding some maintenance issues.  The bearings on the Toledo Special made the plane sound like a tractor in the sky.  I asked Don to replace the bearings for me, which he gladly did.  I supplied new bearings I had for the engine.  He found a broken piston ring in the engine, bought a new one, and replaced it while doing the bearing job.  He also replaced the valve gaskets with some he had in stock, and did not charge me for them.  Cost was $28 for the ring.  Don is so generous, he even ran the engine in with the new ring, on his engine stand for me.  I have it ready to install in any plane when needed.  While Don did that work, I installed another Saito 82a into the plane, the one that was in the T-28 when it expired a couple years ago.  I had to replace a rod cover , the only part that bent in the crash.  Have since flown the plane a couple weeks ago, and it sounds great again, and the plane is as smooth as ever.

In another engine issue, the OS 160FX in the Giles failed to start about a month ago at the field.  I removed it later at home and did not find any scratches or scoring in the piston or ring, so I left it for future closer inspection and repair.  I have a NIB same engine that I got on RC Universe eons ago.  I installed that in the Giles and ran a couple tanks of glow through it at home for initial break in.  Also took one flight with a very rich setting at the field.  Next few flights I will lean it out slightly each time, but it sounds and seems fine. 

My Val is a nice flying plane but the last time out a few days ago, the engine quit at the top of the loop, and I had a forced landing in the back 40, way out.  Trying to make it to the runway, I stalled the plane, and she started her death spiral.  I did the right thing, let the controls go, kept the nose down, then leveled her out for a decent flat landing in the sparse but ugly field.  That tore both pants back into the wing.  I did some work at home to replace the ultra thin plymash that VQ used for LG mounting.  Cannot even call them blocks....only about 1/4' "thick" and made from plywood mash, not good grade dense plywood.  The work is done except the plastic wheel pant mounts shattered in the crash landing, so I am mailing the one recoverable one to Alex for 3D replication and printing.

Let's see....I added 4.5 oz of lead to the nose of the RV-4 to help make her more groovy.  It does help.  Now the plane will drop its nose a wee bit at the top of the loop, to continue the second half of the loop.  It used to just level out, and require up elevator to pull the nose down at the top.  While a lil more lead would help, I am gonna live with it this way.  Oh last time out, I thumped the left LG hard on a pancake landing, so I removed it and bent it back at home. 

Final news...I ordered the Phoenix Model Stinson Reliant a month ago and have yet to really start assembly.  At least I mocked it up to test fit the wing and stab alignment, which looks darn good.  I ordered six new Hitec D645MG servos, which arrived.  Now contemplating ordering the Saito FG-30B gas four-stroke engine, but am waiting to see if maybe I can get a better price around Black Friday sales.

See there....I have been busy but just too lazy to post about events!

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

DB x3

Logged three flights on the Dirty Birdy.  The engine ran well, the plane flew great.

Helped Geno with his Avistar.  We could not get it to run any better that Don had obtained.  But we got her up in the air three times and Geno logged about 15 minutes stick time.  I had him start the engine for all tuning and flights, which amounted to lots, lol, because the engine kept dying when it would load up after some idling.  It in fact died on final approach for all three flights, but the good news is it never died while we were flying about getting Geno valuable stick time....never quit in his hands.  He appreciated the help.

Saturday, July 27, 2019


3 flights on the big RV today, having hauled it to the Dallas field for the first time in the truck with the tonneau cover off.  At least the tailgate could be closed.  It’s the first time to haul it with the truck after we lost the xB due to a rear ender.  The DLE started quickly and ran reliably once again.  The plane flies nice enough but I ain’t thrilled about it.  Oh well!  I think I will add a little nose weight.  The plane is very neutral inverted, with no down needed to maintain level.  I actually have to apply up to get the nose to pull down at the top of a loop, lol.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Flight log: 07/026/2019

2 flights on the Val today.  Takeoffs good, landings broken pants or bent LG wires, a successful day.  Had fun on both flights but especially the second when Bob flew his PT-19 at the same time.  Two warbirds, both four strokes.  It sounded great and the planes were very even in speed.  We made a bunch of passes in tandem, and some turns together that looked awesome just a few wingtips apart.  Fun day with the crew today....everyone was there....Don, Ken, Cliff, Bill, Doug/Donuts, Bob, Mike, Doug, Gary, Geno, Joe, Pat.  These are the days memories are made of!

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Sbach 342

Only one at the field today, except for Geno who came to watch and lend moral support, lol.  I brought the Sbach which has not flown in many months.  As I guessed, it was hard to start.  Probably hand flipped it a hundred times!  Checked ignition and the light was on, so I figured fuel was not getting to the carb.  But I tried switching the ignition to one of Geno’s 4.8v nmh packs although my 6v pack was reading slightly higher voltage than his.  In about another ten flips, the engine started!  Switched back to my 6v pack for the start flips with choke off, and the engine fired up like normal in a few flips.  Might replace my 6v pack with a new one that I have.  Anyway, the engine ran fine for the whole ten minute flight.  Plane flew great.  Still kinda flies real floaty on low throttle for landings.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Flight log: 07/23/2019

I finally changed the LG on the Aerostar 76.  The wire gear was long for the thickness, so it was flexible and twangy when taking off and landing.  I found an old aluminum main gear in my junk, formerly on another plane, and drilled four bolt holes to fit the mounting bolt locations.  That worked out easy.  Didn’t have any axles, so I used what I could find in my spare bolts and bolts cabinet....mainly had to have length for the wheels to fit on.  Found some long 1/8” bolts with two matching nuts.  Bolt heads were smaller than the holes on the gear, so I had to find washers to block the bolt head from slipping through the gear.  Got that done, just quite a bit of play between wheel and bolt/axle but it was sufficient today....good in fact.  The stance is narrower but the plane did not tip over easily on turns, so all is well.  Landings were solid, plane flew good too.  Got in three flights on two sets of batteries.

Also flew the RV-8 twice.  It was good too. Nimble lil plane!

Monday, July 22, 2019

Flight log: 07/21/2019

07/20/2019:  Skylars 6th bday!  7HV 2x, Starstreak 5x
07/21/2019:  Goblin 630 4x, Aerostar 76 2x

Friday, July 19, 2019

Controlled Kaos

Flew the Kaos twice today.  Only Geno and I were there.  The plane flew fine, the engine ran fine.  It was funny when I was done that I noticed I was using 5% fuel....forgot to switch back to 15% after flying the Giles 202 the other day.  When done flying, I discovered copious amounts of raw fuel on the bottom of the fuse, as well as stains inside the servo area above the wing saddle.  Suspected a leaking fuel tank.  Got her home and removed the fuel hatch, found an inch of fuel in the tank compartment, lol.  Poured the fuel out, removed the sopping foam pads, and got the tank out.  Turns out the neck of the tank cracked at the seam.  Dried her out with paper towels and installed a new tank, unfortunately a lil smaller is all I had in my extras.   Kaos is ready to go again.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Flight log: 07/16/2019

07/13/2019:  KRCAFunfly.  I flew the Yak-54 twice and the Aerostar 40F five times.  It was just open flying, no contest events.

07/15/2019:  Flew the Giles 202 twice and the Starstream four times at Dallas.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Dirty Birdy

3 flights on the DB.  Nobody else there, so flights were pretty soon after each other.  Turned in low end screw to try to eliminate little burble from low throttle to high when done quickly.  Improved transition....will fly this way for a bit to assess over time.

Dead calm!

Super busy flight line!

Monday, July 8, 2019

Flight log for many days

July 5:  2 flights of Toledo Special with the new aluminum spinner provided by don....good flights.  Definitely the front bearing is loosening up and causing the beginnings of the tractor sound.  Gonna fly it til it cries to be replaced!

July 6:  Warbird Day at the Wingdingers!  3 flights of the P-47 and one with the Val.  Oh so fun!  Best flight was my single flight of the Val in tandem with Bob’s blue nose P-51.  We had so much fun flying formation and zipping fast low passes.  A couple guys told me that was the best entertainment of the day.

July 7:   I arrived first...flew the X5 twice and 7HV thrice, plus the Starstream four times.  It’s a funny lil fun plane that flies kinda touchy yet totally spirited and controllable.   I like it lots but just wish the  3s 2200 packs would provide longer flight times than 3.5 minutes!

 Tad flew his Avanti three times, twice with Quang and his Avanti.  They might awesome closeby, low, and fast passes over the runway.  Actually Quang was too close, lol, but all went well.  Those jets took off in nay 2/3 of the grass runway.  They landed well too, but the grass makes good brakes.  Might be tough to stop on a smooth surfaces runway.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Flight log: 07/04/2019

Happy 4th!  2 flights of the Yak 54.  Ran well, flew well, landed well.  Just wish it had more power.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

RV-4 x3

I had three good flights with the RV-4 today...nothing fell off!  Engine ran well, everything went fine for a change.  Starting was a breeze, much quicker than the DLE-30 and DLE-55.  The 35 coughs after about 12 flips with choke on.  Then with choke off, it coughs on the 4th flip and starts on the 5th.  Pretty routine and reliable.  My flights all were around 9 minutes, and that only uses between 1/4 and 1/3 of the tank of gas.

Nobody else flew today.  Geno, Walt, and Doug B visited but did not fly.  Cliff came to get the OS 91 Surpass II started for the first time in what appeared to be a Sopwith Camel.  He was getting it prepped for Warbird Day this Saturday.  After some fuel tube switches, the engine started up and ran nicely.  Later Lonnie came but I did not stay long enough to see him fly.

I am getting used to the RV-4.  It will be a hoot.  I am getting comfier with it....loops, rolls, inverted, and flaps.  It must be driven down with flaps by good management of throttle.  Zero throttle does not work, the plane will stall.   I must be right on the back edge of the CG.  While inverted the plane does not need down elevator at all.  In fact I have to be sure on loops to kill throttle and feed in some up to get the plane to begin the dive for the second half of the loop.  A great day with the RV-4.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Flight log: 07/01/2019

The Aerostar 40F had five packs run through it today on a nice day at Dallas.  Originally I was going to fly the RV-4 but due to seeing winds at home, I changed to an expendable plane.  Flew great, by the last flight the wheels were both breaking!  At home I replaced them with nice aluminum wheels from an old parts box I got from Rudy with the Osiris.  The bearings however, are plastic.  One fit perfect, the other had to be drilled out to fit the axle.  Wheel collars,had slipping set screws, so I switched those out too.

Tad flew his Forza 700....had a great first flight.  On the second flight something gave out towards the end, the heli made a loud noise, then tad killed the motor and he had to keep the heli inverted as it landed pretty softly in the tall rye grass.  He investigated back at the truck and found that a tail rotor bearing was missing, so it must’ve gave out in flight.  Unfortunately the Forza 700 is not sold anymore and it’ll be impossible to find parts.  Looks like it’ll be stripped so the electronics can be reused in another heli, perhaps the new SAB Kraken?

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Kaos and Stinger II

Wow we had a gorgeous morning with full on sunshine but mild temps...the kind where you start with a vest on, then end with a t-shirt.  Flew my Kaos once .  Made a perfect landing.  Gonna jinx it by saying I am learning to land it better so that I don’t nose it over in the grass after too fast an approach and touchdown.   Great fun doing the aerobatics and low passes.

Flew the  Stinger II twice...that sucker is a great plane.   Just wish it was bigger! Love how it still howls on fast passes powered by that YS63!  It can do all the pattern aerobatics like the Kaos but in a different, sport airframe.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Kaos and Toledo Special

This morning I flew the Kaos and Toledo Special once each.  Both are purring along and the flights were great. The only negative was the blue matching spinner on the  Toledo literally just exploded when i tried to start it with the Align starter.  I can only guess maybe the prop was loose.  Don is going to look in his stock and see if there is an aluminum spinner that will work.  The flights were fun, with many rolls, loops, inverted flight, etc.  The landings were happily nice and easy!

Flight log: 06/25/2019

 Yesterday  I maidened the Aichi Val.  It was good!  Pretty unremarkable actually.  The OS70 Surpass II ran very well, on the rich side purposely since it’s brand new.  First flight was pretty perfect with a long straight takeoff and nice climb out, a couple clicks of down trim, some rolls, loops, inverted
flight, and a good landing with no flaps.  Full six minutes.

The second flight was not so good.  Takeoff was too fast with too much power too soo, resulting in the button hook left on takeoff and steep climb out to near stall conditions, lol.  No prob, it recovered, and the flight was great until I ran out of fuel at about four minutes.  I had to keep the wings level and fly just above stall speed, luckily into the tall rye grass on the south side of our runway.  That tore the left LG pants apron off the wing, taking some wood with it.  Looked worse than it was, because after maybe two hours of work at home, it was all repaired and ready to go.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Flight log: 06/21/2019

My yellow Shoestring on left, powered by SAITO 100 four stroke.
Cliff's white Shoestring on right, powered by RCGF 20cc gas two stroke.

Note slimmer fuselage on white one because Don rebuilt it
and trimmed about 3/4" of the bottom of the stock fuselage off!

Both are beauties!

We flew together twice.  It was no contest, Cliff's is much faster. 
He had to throttle back often to keep from chewing off my tail!
I cut corners to make my route shorter, plus did a lot of diving,
and still came out looking like a snail.  I can only say I landed better, lol!

I also flew my Stinger II three times today to satisfy the need for speed!  It flew well.  The YS63 is singing sweetly!

Monday, June 17, 2019

Aichi Val completion

For all intents and purposes, this plane is completed and ready for a maiden.  Might add a few ounces of lead in the  nose to assure the plane is not tail heavy for the maiden, but it balances real close to the CG per the manual as is.  Actually I do have to break-in the engine.  Later in the day, I added 2.3 oz of lead to the nose by screwing two lead globs of about 1oz each to each side of the beam engine mounts.  This is the furthest forward point without using heavyweight hub spinners.

Flight log: 06/16/2019

The Dirty Birdy had two good flights yesterday....first flight was average with the OS65AX not running as good as usual, and some vibration sound in the engine or airframe.  We are moving into the warmer time of year so I richened the high needle after the flight.  Also removed some velcro I had previously stuck to a bulkhead in the fuse where the nose steering metal rod rubs.  Turns out it created more noise than without it as I did not hear the noise on the second flight.  The engine ran sweeter with a little smoke too, so the richer setting was the right move.

The Aerostar 40F was its usual easy self to fly and relax with...four flights.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Aichi Val by VQ Models

I have been assembling this new plane for a couple months or more.  Not done but getting there in my slugs pace!  WS is 60”, power is a brand new OS70 Surpass II that I got from Jerry for $75 last year! Chose it for unique look, fixed gear to simplify, elliptical wing for plentiful area and typical good flying characteristics like the P-47, Sea Fury, Spitfire.  Wanted a larger warbird of 30cc size but couldn’t find a plane I loved, so settled for this to tide me over and keep amused.  I need a second warbird to my Jug after the T-28 expired about two years ago.