I ran 3 packs through the G500, 2 in the X5, 6 in the Star, and 5 in the new Scythe wing. It was maiden day for the Scythe, and it flew fine. Just needed a little up and left trim and it was good enough. I found that the plane would snap out of tight loops so between flights I toned down elevator throws to 90%. It can be decreased a little more but is very flyable as is. Seems sensitive in pitch so I wonder if mine is tail heavy. Also just seems touchy regarding neutral elevator. Might try a small piece of lead in the nose someplace.
Helis flew good with many inverted straights. My pullouts with the second half of the loop were not the best due to a different wind direction today, but that is good for practice. Just need to get rudder corrections in before pulling out so that the heli pulls into the dive true instead of slightly sideways.
Star flew like a star as always! I just had to rebind it to the transmitter at the field...luckily I had a bind plug there. I had mistakenly binded the Scythe on my DX6 while on the Star model. That obliviated connection to the Star, which I forgot about till it would not bind at the field, lol. Dumb dumb me.