The Ultimate appears to need some aileron throw mixed in with KE, to keep the plane in KE, otherwise it wants to roll upright. I don't recall it doing this before, but it could be due to the CG being more forward than during initial flights last year. Other than that, this plane flies so nice! I got more comfortable and courageous with it today, doing slow rolls perhaps 50' off the deck, and a few rolling circles. I am trying to get it to fly smaller, as it is large and wants to fly LARGE.
The DLE-55 has been easy peasy to start up each day and each flight. I love that reliability. Idle seems to be a little high, but it helps keep the airspeed up during landings, and it keeps the engine running after touchdown. If the plane is rolling too fast and nearing danger, I hit the kill switch. I noted today that the DLE must be breaking in because there is hardly any black exhaust residue on the bottom of the LG and fuselage anymore.
As I get used to assembly and disassembly, it seems to be less arduous, and shorter each time. As I like the plane more, my attitude towards assembly and disassembly is improving, lol. I am biased, but I can look at the plane sitting on the grass, and just STARE and is so beautiful!! So since I did not take pics today, I will post an old one: